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Let's talk cue-ball physics. This episode: Top spin

Posted by Edwin Depoorter on

Top spin center striking.

If you hit anywhere above center of the cue-ball you are applying top spin. When top spin is applied the cue-ball will accelerate faster and travel further after making contact with another objectball. This being said when playing a hard topspin shot there will be a back arc because of the mass of the objectball being hit. When you observe a full ball shot on impact you will see the cue-ball stop for a fraction of a second and then continue on its way forward. Also when playing a hard shot the cue-ball will have the tendency to bounce on the table on its way to the objectball. This is because the cue-ball is heavier at tip impact pushing it into the cloth creating more friction. The higher you hit above center the more this will occur depending on cloth thickness, slide, clean balls, and more. If the cue-ball is being hit extremely high every bit of unwanted side will deviate it to the direction the side has been applied, that is why playing from against a cushion is so difficult. 

Top spin with right hand side.

Playing with topspin and right-hand side wil rotate the cue-ball forward and sideways at the same time. This means that when it hits a cushion or ball it will move sideways to the right. When striking with a little right-hand side just above center the cue-ball will travel in a reasonable straight line towards the intended object. Depending on the speed of the strike it will react slightly different depending on the cue being used, the cloth, the friction of the cloth, the cleanness of the balls, against or with the nap, cue acceleration,  speed and so on. When the cue-ball is hit extremely high or with a lot of right-hand side it will pull to the right due to the friction of the cloth and the downwards motion of the strike. It can be compared with a swerve shot but the cue-ball goes directly to the right instead of at impact to the left in case of a swerve shot. On impact with the objectball there will be a slight nudge to the right on both balls, this is very hard to notice. The cleaner the balls the less this nudge will be. When playing slowly with the nap the right-hand side will pull the cue-ball further right. Playing slowly against the nap with right-hand side it will travel to the left. That is why some players think the table is not level and they apply unwanted side and that happens.

Top spin with left hand side.

Opposite of the above.

Next episode: Center ball striking

Let's strike the correct spot.

  • #cue-ball #cue-ball striking #right-hand topspin #cue-ball control #cueballphysics